
Gdy mózg dusze odmienia – perspektywa neuropsychologiczna

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dc.contributor.advisor Maryniak, Agnieszka 2017-12-16T13:40:13Z 2017-12-16T13:40:13Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Sometimes close relatives of persons with neurological disorders say metaphorically: “he’s not the same person he used to be, as if someone has changed his soul” or “as if he has lost his soul”. Such impression appears when the person’s behavior and personality change, as if the patient has lost empathy and sensitivity to other people emotion, has lost ability to distinguish between good and evil. This condition can occur due to damage to the frontal lobes of the brain.Other neurological disorder with which the soul is associated is epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can manifest as transient changes in mental or emotional state and even moral judgment, so they affect the areas which are considered as attributes of the soul. The presentation will be illustrated by examples from clinical practice. en_US
dc.publisher Fundacja Slawistyczna
dc.subject psychologia
dc.subject psychology en_US
dc.subject dusza
dc.subject soul en_US
dc.subject neurologia
dc.subject neurology en_US
dc.subject neuropsychologia
dc.subject neuropsychology en_US
dc.subject Dusza w aksjosferze − aksjosfera duszy II Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa z cyklu "Antropologiczno-językowe wizerunki duszy w perspektywie międzykulturowej" − zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 695/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę en_US
dc.title Gdy mózg dusze odmienia – perspektywa neuropsychologiczna
dc.title.alternative When the brain changes the soul – neuropsychological perspective en_US
dc.type Video en_US

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