The article presents scienti c interpretation of incorrect grammatical attribution, that was revealed in the grammatical analysis of the Lord's prayer "Отче нашъ" being incorporated into grammar manuals of the Church Slavonic language of the 17th – beg. the 18th century. The author collected and systematized samples of misinterpretation by the scribes such grammatical categories as the case, gender, number of nouns, adjectives and pronouns, the person of verbs, word reference to a particular part of speech. The "negative" metalinguistic material is considered in the article as an act of metalinguistic activity: presentational metalinguistic activity is aimed at specifying presentational knowledge, and realized in metalinguistic patterns, representational metalinguistic activity, is set to represent the knowledge in the form of an element-by-element attribution of texts to metalinguistic models. The study helped to give clear argumentation on the paradoxical attribution stated above; the author thinks that it can't be considered metalinguistic helplessness of the scribes, but it should be viewed as an activity aimed at solving a number of metalinguistic and language issues and tasks, including the choice of metalinguistic models, ways to explicate grammatical parameters, the range in differentiation of grammatical, word-building and lexical meanings, as well as considering the best ways of their realization within language means; the author also focuses on the problem of ideosemantic and ideofunctional loading of language elements in the grammatical context of the Church Slavonic language.