
The Effects of Meaning-Based and Form-Based Input on the Initial L2 Acquisition of Polish Verbal Morphology

Show simple item record Latos, Agnieszka 2017-10-10T19:13:49Z 2017-10-10T19:13:49Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Studi italiani di linguistica slava. Strutture, uso e acquisizione, a cura di Anna Bonola, Paola Cotta Ramusino, Liana Goletiani, ISBN 978-88-6655-659-6 (online), ISBN 978-88-6655-655-8 (print), © 2014 Firenze University Press en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-88-6655-659-6
dc.description.abstract This is a preliminary study on the effects of two types of input presenting on the early development of grammar knowledge (i.e. verbal inflection) in the second language acquisition (SLA). Two groups of L1 French initial learners of Polish (TL) were exposed for two weeks to the monolingual input which was similar in terms of linguistic content, quantity and temporal distribution but distinct in terms of input presenting, and to some extent, in terms of received corrective feedback. The impact of two teaching modalities, i.e. meaning-based input with no focus on form nor explicit corrective feedback vs. form-based input containing focus on form and explicit corrective feedback, was measured through a grammaticality judgment type test administrated at the end of each teaching session. Both experimental groups showed significant gains (from 69% on) on the delayed task concerning the subject-verb agreement in Polish. However, the comparison between the results obtained by the learners trained in the two teaching sessions reveals that the learners from the form-based group show a greater accuracy in the grammatical evaluation of TL verbal inflections, and thus, are more successful with respect to the learners from the meaning-based group. These results suggest that the form-based input facilitates the learning of inflectional morphology, and as a consequence, it might be beneficial for L2 linguistic development. Furthermore, the study gives evidence of complex interrelations between various factors involved in L2 grammar learning. en_US
dc.publisher Firenze University Press en_US
dc.subject język polski en_US
dc.subject SLA en_US
dc.subject Polish language en_US
dc.subject nauczanie języka en_US
dc.subject subject-verb agreement en_US
dc.subject verbal inflection en_US
dc.subject koniugacja en_US
dc.subject związek zgody en_US
dc.title The Effects of Meaning-Based and Form-Based Input on the Initial L2 Acquisition of Polish Verbal Morphology en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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