
Uwagi o językach i literaturach bośniackiej, serbskiej i chorwackiej pisanych alfabetem arabskim

Show simple item record Dziekan, Marek M. 2017-11-04T23:15:22Z 2017-11-04T23:15:22Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation "Islam w Europie. Nowe kierunki badań. Księga ku czci Profesor Anny Parzymies", s. 201-215, Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Dialog", Warszawa 2015 pl
dc.description.abstract The article is devoted to the Balkan writing in Arabic script (arabica / arebica), called also alhamijado / aljamijado in Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian languages. The appearance of such cultural phenomenon is connected with the history of Balkan as a part of the Ottoman Empire. In this text I describe the arebica with its special characters, unknown in Arabic, Turkish and Persian, used in Slavonic languages. Then I present the oldest known text in arabica, called Chirvat türkisi (“Croatian Song”, 1588/1589) and the development of this literature in several genres – both religious and secular. The next part of the article is devoted do 2 most outstanding representatives of alhamijado literature: Muhamed Hevai Uskufi (XVII C.), Abdulvehab Ilhamija (XVIII C.) and Abdurrahmana Sirrija (XVIII/XIX C.). The last paragraphs are devoted to the “renaissance” of alhamijado at the beginnings of the XXI C. en_US
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Dialog" pl
dc.relation.ispartof "Islam w Europie. Nowe kierunki badań. Księga ku czci Profesor Anny Parzymies" pl
dc.subject arebica pl
dc.subject literatura alhamijado pl
dc.subject aljamiado en_US
dc.subject arebica en_US
dc.subject Bośnia i Hercegowina pl
dc.subject Bosna and Herzegovina en_US
dc.subject literatura bośniacka pl
dc.subject Bosnian literature en_US
dc.subject XVII - XIX w. pl
dc.subject 17th-19th century en_US
dc.title Uwagi o językach i literaturach bośniackiej, serbskiej i chorwackiej pisanych alfabetem arabskim pl
dc.type Article en_US

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