
Структурні типи аналітичних українських термінів лісівництва

Show simple item record Бурковська, Олена Богданівна 2020-01-15T11:46:09Z 2020-01-15T11:46:09Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Слов'янський збірник: збірник наукових праць, № 21 (2017), с. 57-66 en
dc.description.abstract It is the analysis of term structure that is a critically important condition for a comprehensive and detailed study of term systems. The purpose of the present article is to determine the structural types of Ukrainian forestry terms, to analyze the structural characteristics of Ukrainian analytical forestry terms, and to establish the structural models of two-component terms within Ukrainian forestry terminology. The use of combinatorial methods of terminology studies, in particular, modeling, makes it possible to distinguish the structural models from phrasal terms that express the morphological composition of components, as well as the location of elements in a given term. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject term en
dc.subject forestry terminology en
dc.subject structural model en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.title Структурні типи аналітичних українських термінів лісівництва en
dc.type Article en

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