People knows the world and changes it, constantly comparing and grading phenomena, signs, processes according to different criteria. The value of the gradation for a person is reflected in the language itself and in the models of its study. Every person aspires to certain certainty. Every has its own limitations. Gradation is in this arrangement of parts of the statement (words, parts of the sentence), in which each subsequent contains an increase (or weakening) of semantic or emotional-expressive meaning. Phraseologisms (idioms) are specific linguistic formulas, pictures of the world with coded information about the past, our ancestors, their way of perceiving the world and evaluating everything; they accumulate the cultural potencies of the people, only in his own way manifest the spirit and uniqueness of the mentality of the nation. By studying the gradation, we draw attention to such concepts as graduality, gradation relations, calibration, graduation scale, norm, gradual vocabulary. The term graduality is associated with the execution of the gradation function and indicates the practical expression of the gradation. Hence, the gradation has a larger meaning than graduality.