One way of expressing scientific concepts are terms, most of which originated in the pre-literate period in oral language to name objects discovered in the process of mankind practical activity. The range of problems of the article is related to the research of the establishment, systematization, and regimentation of the Ukrainian scientific terminology, which development began in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The main stages of its development are associated with the activities of 3 institutions: Shevchenko Scientific Society (hereinafter – NTSh 1873-1939) in Lviv, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of UAS (hereinafter IUNM, 20's – early 30's 20 century), Academy of Sciences (now – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, hereinafter NASU). NTSh main objective was to "enable the development of maloruskoyi literature." I. Verkhratskiy is considered as the founder of the Ukrainian scientific terminology who made the first attempt to systematize the existing and creating new terminology in 6 editions of "Beginnings to the Coding of Natural Folk Nomenclature and Terminology Collected from People". Scientists of NTSh have laid the foundations of natural (I. Verkhratskyi), physical (V. Levytskyi), chemical (R. Tsehelskyi, I. Horbatchevskyi), juridical (O. Ohonovskyi, K. Levytskyi), sociopolitical (I. Franko, M. Hrushevskyi), medical (Ye. Ozarkevych) terminologies. Development of the Ukrainian terminology in Eastern Ukraine started after 1905 due to the weakening of the imperial government prohibition of the Ukrainian language. It is associated with the creation of societies "Prosvita" in Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa, Poltava and other Ukrainian cities, the establishment in 1907 of Ukrainian Scientific Society (hereinafter - UNT), headed by Hrushevskyi and the formation the IUNM in 1921, which first priority was to guide the developing process of the Ukrainian language and formation of scientific terminology. Consequences of tireless work of IUNM staff are recorded in 24 dictionaries on different branches of science, technology, and culture. With the elimination of IUNM in September 1930, terminological work in Ukraine almost stopped. A revival of terminological work occurred in the late 50's - early 60's of the 20th century when the Academy of Sciences created the Dictionary Commission, whose task was to develop the basic principles of preparation and publication of branch dictionaries. Started by Dictionary Commission activity is now successfully continued by Scientific Terminology Committee of NAS and its working philological group, later scientific terminology department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NASU, which became the main authority for organizing and regimentation of the Ukrainian terminology. Work in terminology is held in 2 directions: research of separate terminological systems (investigated nearly 150) and the establishment of branch dictionaries of various types and purposes. Conceptual principles of terms formation, created in mentioned periods by scientists of different scientific schools of Western and Eastern Ukraine, contributed to the further formation of a qualitatively new terminology.