dc.description.abstract |
The article analyses prof. Ivan Kovalyk’s concept of the comparative study of word-formation of Slavic languages. Scientist’s innovation in the development of mentioned concept was that he proposed derivative type within the appropriate word-formative bracket, word-formative category and word-formative class as the outgoing comparative unit instead of affixal part of a derivative. In his belief about the benefits of word-formative type over derivational affix as a basis of comparison in the Slavic word-building, the scientist relied on the fact that: word-formative type, which includes forming stem and affixal part, better expresses the nature of the word-formative phenomenon than the formant; word-formative type in relation to derivational affix is more specific and fairly generalized word-formative unit that provides greater convenience in a comparative analysis; word-formative type in the comparative studies allows to better consider an important for word formation parameter of productivity and lingvo-geographical and genre-branch zone of word-formative units distribution. Since at that time, the complex word-formative units in the derivatology were not processed, Ivan Kovalyk joined to conceptualize a word-formative type in its relationship with the word-formative bracket, word-formative category, and word-formative class. A characteristic feature of Ivan Kovalyk’s concept of comparative research of word formation was that it was tested on a specific segment of Slavic substantive word formation. Word-formative type, as a basis for comparison, gives the possibility to deepen the methods of comparative research of Slavic word-formation, better establish universal and individual in the field of word-formation of Slavic languages. |
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