In the article, we will examine phraseological innovations in Bulgarian and Polish by comparison. We provide the definition of neophraseologism and we present the mechanism of the appearance of new phraseological units. We will pay particular attention to the trends in the development of phraseology and the sources of enrichment of phraseology in the studied languages. These trends include: naming new social, economic, and technological phenomena with phraseological units. The expansion of the colloquial language can be observed in Bulgaria and Poland. The penetration of the language of various social groups, slang, the language of advertising and media discourse, the language of public figures and the language of subcultures into the mainstream has had a significant impact on neologization. The other sources of new phraseological units are calques from Western European languages, especially Anglo-Americanism. Additionally, we are looking into metaphorization, hiperbolization, alogization, concealed antonymy as well as language games and jokes and creating new phraseological units based on homophony or rhyme in language.