
История семантики праславянских лексем *edinъ и *samъ

Show simple item record Саенко, Михаил Николаевич 2017-12-15T18:14:52Z 2017-12-15T18:14:52Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Slověne, 1/2017, s.76–94 en_US
dc.description.abstract According to one of the most well-founded hypotheses, in the Proto-Indo-European language *sem- meant ‘unus,’ whereas *Hoi̯H- meant ‘solus.’ In this article arguments for and against this hypothesis are examined in detail. In Proto-Slavic the reverse distribution is observed: *samъ, indirectly originating from *sem-, meant ‘solus,’ whereas *edinъ, going back to *Hoi̯H-, meant ‘unus.’ This article is an attempt to determine how *somHos (> *samъ) ‘idem’ in Proto-Slavic extended its meaning first to ‘ipse’ and then to ‘solus’ and to analyze exactly how it happened. Although for the Indo-European languages the reverse situation is more common (‘ipse’ acquires the meaning ‘idem’), a similar pattern for such a shift in meaning can be found in the history of Ancient Greek αὐτός. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject język prasłowiański pl
dc.subject język praindoeuropejski pl
dc.subject liczebnik pl
dc.subject zaimek pl
dc.subject *edinъ pl
dc.subject *samъ pl
dc.subject Proto-Slavic en_US
dc.subject Proto-Indo-European en_US
dc.subject numeral en_US
dc.subject pronoun en_US
dc.title История семантики праславянских лексем *edinъ и *samъ en_US
dc.title.alternative History of the Semantics of the Proto-Slavic Lexemes *Edinŭ and *Samŭ en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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