The article considers the peculiarities of graphically unadapted neoborrowings – their semantics, methods of implementing into the text, the variety of graphic form – based on the material of Ukrainian e-Media (2016-2018). Although nowadays the analysis of new borrowings is permanently in sight of Ukrainian scientists, the activity of borrowing process in the Ukrainian lauguage causes the actuality of studinig the problem mentioned above. The object of the research is words and patterns, which reproduce graphic peculiarities of the language, from which they were taken (English, as a rule), that is written in Roman alphabet. The subject of the research is their semantics and it’s implementing into the text. Matters under inquiry deal with different language levels (words, collocations, sometimes – sentences) and are foreign language inclusions and barbarisms. These lexemes and constructions may be used in the texts of mass media either without any explanation (mostly it occurs to the phenomena with relatively high regularity of usage in Ukrainian in comparision with other GUBs) or with translation and / or semantization – interpretation of the meaning. If GUBs haven`t exact equivalents in the Ukrainian language, their meaning can be described in the text, sometimes – quite extensively. Naturally, among GUBs, as in any other groups of borrowings, the most frequently used are English borrowings, but sometimes they can represent other foreign languages. The goal of using GUBs in the texts of contemporary mass media is to underline their belonging to another language – to stress the reality of another country or demonstrate that the author of the text is aware of English collocations. On the whole most of studied new borrowings got a chance to enter Ukrainian speech due to their semantic fullness and effect of the principle of linguistic economy.