Currently an active creating and using of new gender marking in job titles in Ukrainian electronic mass-media is a great example of language politics, focused on the spread of the lexic-semantic group of the gender marking in job titles. Gender marking in job titles in Ukrainian language is an important part of a representative lexic-semantic group „names of persons”. The goal of the article is to distinguish the suffix peculiarities of the new gender marking in job titles, which are commonly-used in contemporary mass-media under the circumstances of Ukrainian language words-forming system. Traditional Ukrainian suffixes -к/а, -иц/я, -ин/я are used to create new gender marking in job titles. The article shows that during the formation of new gender marking in job titles a significant expansion of formant -ин/я is noticed. This suffix is in it`s productivity in this word-group even ahead such a traditionally productive suffix in language gender marking in job titles as -к/а. In spite of the fact that among traditional gender marking in job titles there are 50 times more nominations with the suffix -к/а than nominations with the suffix -ин/я, there are a little bit more new gender marking in job titles formed with the formant -ин/я than with the formant -к/а among the new gender marking in job titles among those were considered. This undoubtedly states influential preferences of contemporary speakers to formant -ин/я during the process of making new gender marking in job titles. The stimulus of this expansion of the formant -ин/я are as semantic overtones (the association with traditional women`s nominations with such a suffix, which have „favourable” semantics) as the absence of combined and structural deprivations (compare a mandatory correlation of gender marking in job titles with the nouns ending in -ець). All the studied gender marking in job titles serve nominative, not expressive function and are not occasional ones, used to signify a specific text, but as the nominations of female sex. The exception is lexically-used formant -их/а, which is occasional one in the meaning of the woman of medium or elderly age, which doesn`t belong to a priviledged society.