The article is devoted of the question of studying dynamics of the family of words with the prefixoid вело- as an example of an active modern trend development of the Ukrainian language in derivation. The author proves of this problem being adequate, actual and perspective. The active modern trend development of the Ukrainian language in derivation of different years outlined and defineed in works by N. F. Klymenko, Ye. A. Karpilovska, L. P. Kyslyuk, K. H. Horodenska, O. A. Styshov and other. The purpose of our research is to study dynamics of the family of words with the prefixoid вело- as an example of an active modern trend of the Ukrainian language in derivation. The object of the research is proper functioning derivation of the Ukrainian language. The subject of our research is dynamics of the family of words with the prefixoid вело- as an example of an active modern trend development of the Ukrainian language in derivation. To teach the aim we should solve such problems: outline the derivative words with the prefixoid вело- in dictionaries of different years and in modern mass media; to study characteristic of the development of the family of words with the prefixoid вело- and what causes its formation.