
Věcnost v povídkách Ladislava Dvořáka // Objectivity in short stories of Ladislav Dvořák

Show simple item record Pokorná, Zuzana 2020-01-28T11:11:24Z 2020-01-28T11:11:24Z 2017
dc.description.abstract The article examines the prosaic works of Ladislav Dvořák (1920–1983), specifically the collection of short stories entitled Šavle meče. It analyses the construction of Dvořák’s texts with regard to their significant aspect, the connection between reality and the world depicted in the narrative. It argues against the approach that take the stories as a source for study of the author’s biography and reverse the relation, thus the author’s life is merely a basic material for constructing the literary universe. The analysis is based on the theories of Přemysl Blažíček and Milan Jankovič, who treat the specifics of creating meaning in literature. With the help of the concept of ‘objectivity’, adapted for literary interpretation, the role of facts, description and narrator in the text is explored. The study concludes that the meaning in the short stories of Ladislav Dvořák is created mainly by situatedness of the narrator, whose goal is to mediate his own life experience in the process of its formation and its indefiniteness. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject Dvořák Ladislav (1920–1983) en
dc.subject literary studies en
dc.subject short story en
dc.subject objectivity en
dc.subject description en
dc.subject narrator en
dc.subject Czech literature en
dc.title Věcnost v povídkách Ladislava Dvořáka // Objectivity in short stories of Ladislav Dvořák en
dc.type Article en

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