
Неизвестный славянский перевод фрагмента “Послания трех патриархов императору Феофилу” в сборнике русского книжника XV века

Show simple item record Корогодина, Мария Владимировна 2017-12-15T23:05:46Z 2017-12-15T23:05:46Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Slověne, 1/2017, s. 307–332 en_US
dc.description.abstract There is a fragment of a Slavic translation of the “Letter of the Three Oriental Patriarchs to Emperor Theophilos” in a 15th-century Russian manuscript. The fragment contains the opening part of the “Letter” and considers the relations between state and church authorities. Comparison with the translation of the entire “Letter,” which is known as “Mnogoslozhnyi svitok,” proves that these translations are different. A comparison with the Greek text of the “Letter” allows us to identify the Greek manuscript closest to the Russian fragment. One can suggest that the manuscript belongs to a Russian scribe who was interested in texts related to the formation of the structure of state authority in Russia. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject przekład pl
dc.subject język grecki pl
dc.subject język cerkiewnosłowiański pl
dc.subject języki słowiańskie pl
dc.subject rękopis pl
dc.subject literatura starorosyjska pl
dc.subject paleografia pl
dc.subject “Послание трех восточных патриархов императору Феофилу” ru
dc.subject translation en_US
dc.subject Greek en_US
dc.subject Church Slavonic en_US
dc.subject Slavic languages en_US
dc.subject manuscript en_US
dc.subject Old Russian literature en_US
dc.subject palaeography en_US
dc.subject “Letter of the Three Oriental Patriarchs to Emperor Theophilos” en_US
dc.title Неизвестный славянский перевод фрагмента “Послания трех патриархов императору Феофилу” в сборнике русского книжника XV века ru
dc.title.alternative An Unknown Slavic Translation of a Fragment of the “Letter of the Three Oriental Patriarchs to Emperor Theophilos” in the 15th-century Miscellany by a Russian Scribe en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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