
К истории текста “Рассказа о предсказании Ионе Новгородскому архиепископства”

Show simple item record Жуков, Артём Евгеньевич 2017-12-15T23:05:49Z 2017-12-15T23:05:49Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Slověne, 1/2017, s. 333–349 en_US
dc.description.abstract The Novgorod archbishop Iona was one of the most important Russian church personalities of the 15th century; he was canonized after his death. Information about his life is contained in different literary monuments of the 15th–16th centuries. One of them was the brief “Tale about the Prophecy of Iona’s Arch bi shopric.” Researchers believe that this monument became the source of the “Life of Iona.” This article focuses on the history of the text of the “Tale.” First, the article con siders the history of research about the “Tale.” Second, the author gives an over view and description of copies of the work, and examines new copies of the “Tale.” Third, the researcher analyzes the editions of the “Tale,” revealing their new features. In conclusion, the investigator considers the question of the in fluence of the “Tale” on the text of the “Life of Iona.” The author tries to establish the copy of the “Tale” that was used in the “Life.” en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject żywoty świętych pl
dc.subject Nowogród pl
dc.subject Jonasz, arcybiskup pl
dc.subject Kłopskij, Michaił pl
dc.subject 15 w. pl
dc.subject “Рассказ о предсказании Ионе архиепископства” ru
dc.subject literatura rosyjska pl
dc.subject lives of saints en_US
dc.subject Novgorod en_US
dc.subject Iona, archbishop en_US
dc.subject Michael of Klopsk en_US
dc.subject 15th century en_US
dc.title К истории текста “Рассказа о предсказании Ионе Новгородскому архиепископства” ru
dc.title.alternative On the Textual History of the “Tale about the Prophecy of Iona’s Archbishopric” en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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