
Literatura polska w chorwackich przekładach od 1990 r. do 2007 r.

Show simple item record Čilić Škeljo, Đurđica hr Vidović Bolt, Ivana hr 2020-11-26T03:05:55Z 2020-11-26T03:05:55Z 2009
dc.identifier.citation „Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich”. T. 1. Cz. 1. (Issue: 1 (1)/2009), s. 102-110 pl
dc.description.abstract Polish Literature in Croatian Translation (1990—2007) Summary The paper deals with translations of Polish literary works into Croatian language in the period between 1990 and 2007. We took into consideration only those translations that were published as books or those published in Croatian journals as a part of a larger thematic piece dedicated to Polish literature. Apart from translations of literary works, the article deals with the translations of literaryhistorical and literary-theoretical studies, as well as linguistic works. Our detailed revision confirms high productivity of Croatian translators of Polish literature. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego (University of Silesia Press) pl
dc.subject literatura polska pl
dc.subject język chorwacki pl
dc.subject przekład pl
dc.subject 1990-2007 en
dc.subject Polish literature en
dc.subject Croatian language en
dc.subject translation en
dc.title Literatura polska w chorwackich przekładach od 1990 r. do 2007 r. pl
dc.type Article en

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