Polish translations of Slovak drama between 1990—2005
The review of polish translation of Slovak drama between 1990—2005 regards two areas of dramatic text’s circulation. They are: scenic area and literatury area, which are also two spaces for direct contact between recipient and a text of a drama’s translation. During an indicated time Slovak drama were staged by polish theaters seldom, stagings of radio-plays were dominated. The reason is in insufficiency of Slovak drama’s translations in polish. Translations from before 1989 weren’t published, they loos at translators’s archives and now stage managers haven’t approach to them. From the beginning of 90. years only four translations of Slovak drama were published. They also weren’t staged by polish professional theaters. The direct presence of Slovak drama in Poland is almost zero. This situation is only slightly owing by translators’s decision about a text to translating. It’s also slightly owing by a quality of translations like a final effect of a translators’s choices during his work. The minimal knowledge of polish recipient about Slovak drama and theater is also very important agent.