
O pewnym typie konstrukcji deagentywnych w językach polskim, rosyjskim i bułgarskim (perspektywa etnoskładniowa)

Show simple item record Savova, Dimka 2020-11-26T11:15:17Z 2020-11-26T11:15:17Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury, 31, s. 121-131 en
dc.description.abstract The article discusses a de-agentive construction, in which actions that have their own agents are presented as agentless. On the basis of analyses conducted by Anna Wierzbicka, Yuriy Apresyan, Yuriy Knyazev, and data from the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP), three languages are compared: Polish, Russian, and Bulgarian. De-agentive constructions are used for a pragmatic purpose: to change the status of the agent to a passive participant. Five states are captured by means of this construction type: (1) physical actions, whose fulfilment is independent of the agent; (2) intellectual or perceptual processes not subject to human control; (3) actions and processes dependent on external circumstances; (4) actions directly connected to human psychology; (5) impulses, physiological states, and emotions that only marginally, if at all, depend on human agency. It is concluded that Polish constructions are characterised by the belief that human actions are controlled from the outside by something indefinite; in Russian, the experiencer’s internal states are underscored; Bulgarian points to the role of control on emotional and physiological states. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej en
dc.subject ethnosyntax en
dc.subject de-agentification en
dc.subject Polish language en
dc.subject Russian language en
dc.subject Bulgarian language en
dc.subject etnoskładnia en
dc.subject deagentywność en
dc.subject język polski en
dc.subject język rosyjski en
dc.subject język bułgarski en
dc.title O pewnym typie konstrukcji deagentywnych w językach polskim, rosyjskim i bułgarskim (perspektywa etnoskładniowa) en
dc.type Article en

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