
Koncept SANTÉ w języku francuskim

Show simple item record Koselak-Maréchal, Arkadiusz Underhill, James 2020-11-29T11:28:26Z 2020-11-29T11:28:26Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury, 31, s. 165-190 en
dc.description.abstract The article follows the methodology of the Axiological Lexicon of Slavs and their Neighbours in analysing the French cultural concept of santé ‘health’. The concept has been analysed on the basis of systemic (lexicographic) data, questionnaires, and texts. They propose a shortened cognitive definition, where santé is defined as a state or the functioning of an organism or a group (sometimes also another living organism, organisation, or process); it has a physical, psychological, and/or intellectual dimension; it is an equilibrium. When one has santé, it is not noticed: a person feels well. However, its absence is noticed, when one becomes ill. Santé is strength, goodness (wealth), the possibility of doing many things. In order to maintain santé, one must do many things. The environment can have a positive and negative effect on it. In contemporary French journalistic discourse santé is not only an individual but also a social value: health is in the field of interest of state authorities and international organisations. It is a good in its own right but although it is natural, it is not given once and for all: one must make an effort to have it. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej en
dc.subject SANTÉ en
dc.subject cultural concept en
dc.subject cognitive definition en
dc.subject French language en
dc.subject ZDROWIE en
dc.subject concept en
dc.subject definicja kognitywna en
dc.subject język francuski en
dc.subject "Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów" en
dc.title Koncept SANTÉ w języku francuskim en
dc.type Article en

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