
Сполучник у перекладах Дем’яна Наливайка

Show simple item record Висоцька, Тетяна 2020-12-06T14:20:26Z 2020-12-06T14:20:26Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2020, вип. 72, с. 132–144 en
dc.description.abstract In the history of language, the middle Ukrainian period is characterized by the usage of two literary languages. On the one hand, the Church Slavonic language continues to take the position of the high status. On the other hand, Ukrainian “simple” language consolidates its position in the “long fixed monopoly genres”. In Ukraine in general, the significance of the 17th century developed under the synthesis of Western and Oriental cultural and education tradition, and it is reflected in the linguistic aspects. Objective of the article – to trace the development of linguistic awareness of Demyan Nalyvayko and his role in the shaping of the then Ukrainian literary language on the basis of translated texts. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject conjunction en
dc.subject translation en
dc.subject Church Slavonic Language en
dc.subject spójnik en
dc.subject tłumaczenie en
dc.subject język cerkiewnosłowiański en
dc.subject Наливайко Дем’ян en
dc.title Сполучник у перекладах Дем’яна Наливайка en
dc.type Article en

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