
Мікротопоніми в усній народній словесності

Show simple item record Сокіл-Клепар, Наталія 2020-12-06T15:04:41Z 2020-12-06T15:04:41Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2020, вип. 72, с. 3–12 en
dc.description.abstract Science is developing not in an isolated way but in close relationships. On the periphery of linguistics there is sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, juridical linguistics, linguocultural studies, linguofolklore studies, etc. Of particular interest is linguofolklore studies which is a science that studies lingual expression and functioning of folk poetics at different levels; researches specifics and regularities of folklore style formation. It is represented by separate branches such as cross-cultural linguofolklore studies, folklore linguosemiotics, folklore lexicography, folklore linguocognitology, folklore communication, folklore onomastics, etc. This article focuses on folklore onomastics, in particular, on the role and functioning of microtoponyms in folklore poetic texts. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject ethnolinguistics en
dc.subject folklore en
dc.subject microtoponymy en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.subject etnolingwistyka en
dc.subject folklor en
dc.subject mikrotoponimia en
dc.subject język ukraiński en
dc.title Мікротопоніми в усній народній словесності en
dc.type Article en

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