In the article was considered the feature of the reproach as a speech genre which based on the materials of the works of I. Franko "For the Home Fire" and "Cross Trails". The reproach in Russian was explored by T. Buligin, pointing to the presence of an evaluative component in its semantics, as well as its purpose for describing a speech act. In English, the socio-situational feature of the verb reproach is also indicated in the works of V. Karasik, P. Schonbach, B. Benoit. A. Vezhbytska considers the semantics of the verb reproach as the predicate of a sentence, distinguishing the semantic components given by its actants. T. Davydov studies reproach in the framework of pragmalinguistics as a speech act that does not have a standard performative formula of explication. In the Ukrainian linguistics, “reproach” is genre that has not received a proper linguistic explanation yet, so the study of its types, structure, functions in an artistic text is relevant in Ukrainian linguistics. Its interpretation in the outlined direction opens new possibilities for the deeper understanding of the genre as a representative of communicative strategies, tactics and an artistic text as a pragmatic and communicative value.