
Вербалізація вигуків та звуконаслідувальних слів у площині функціональної омонімії

Show simple item record Глібчук, Наталія 2020-12-06T18:55:22Z 2020-12-06T18:55:22Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2020, вип. 72, с. 63–75 en
dc.description.abstract The article considers the theoretical and practical aspects of verbalization processes in the Ukrainian language which result in the formation of lexico-grammatical (functional) homonyms. The research aims to reveal the mechanism of the formation of such linguistic units, based on three main criteria for distinguishing the parts of speech: semantic, morphological, and syntactic. The semantic preconditions, causes, and regularities of the verbalization processes are established, taking into account the syncretic nature of the analyzed transpositions. The specific cases of the transition of interjections and onomatopoeias into verbs are described. The verbal nature of derivative words is substantiated and it is confirmed by the following features: the predicate function, the possibility to determine the aspect and tense characteristics based on the contextual environment, the possibility to govern syntactically dependent words. Functional homonyms which include transpositions that acquire verb features are divided into syncretically-undifferentiated, syncretically-differentiated, and potentially syncretic. No syncretic-differentiated functional homonyms have been found among the analyzed onomatopoeic pairs. The morphological and syntactic changes which the words undergo during the transposition are analyzed. The phenomena of functional homonymy are described from the standpoint of the theory of transposition, the concept of diachronous and synchronous transposition is described. The research has revealed that the phenomenon of verbalization is caused by the internal laws of language development and that in the course of the transition of exclamations and onomatopoeias into verbs, the part of speech meaning of interjection (in interjections) and sonority (in onomatopoeias) changes into the processual meaning. Complex relationships between words in the field of morphology have been identified. The focus has been made on the dynamic processes in the parts of speech system. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject verbalization en
dc.subject homonymy en
dc.subject interjection en
dc.subject onomatopoeia en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.subject werbalizacja en
dc.subject homonimia en
dc.subject wykrzyknik en
dc.subject onomatopeja en
dc.subject język ukraiński en
dc.title Вербалізація вигуків та звуконаслідувальних слів у площині функціональної омонімії en
dc.type Article en

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