According to the author, Cultural Linguistics (necessarily capitalised) is a multidisciplinary area of research on the relationhsip between language, culture, and cognition. Following Palmer, the author locates Cultural Linguistics in the vicinity of cognitive linguistics (with its image schemas, conceptual metaphors, and cognitive structures) and linguistic anthropology (which includes Boasian linguistics, ethnosemantics, and ethnography of speaking). The common platform for Cultural Linguistics, linguistic anthropology, and cognitive linguistics is an exploration of cultural models, which belong to the broader category of cultural conceptualisations. Recently Cultural Linguistics has incorporated insights from such areas as complexity theory or the notion of distributed cognition, enriching its own understanding of cultural cognition. Three areas of application of Cultural Linguistics are discussed: investigation of world Englishes, diagnosing causes of misunderstandings in intercultural communication, and identifiying cases of linguistic manipulation in the use of metaphors in political discourse.