
Сибирь (Syberia) w świetle danych systemowych języka rosyjskiego

Show simple item record Starzyńska, Aleksandra 2020-12-07T14:51:52Z 2020-12-07T14:51:52Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury, 28, s. 187-205 en
dc.description.abstract Сибирь belongs to concepts whose position in the Russian lexis, and so in the Russian worldview, is special. As proposed by Jerzy Bartminski, the study reconstructs the image of Сибирь on the basis of the Russian language system (more precisely, on the basis of dictionaries) and with the use of the cognitive definition. Discussed is the etymology of Сибирь, the lexeme’s synonyms, opposites, semantic and word-formational derivatives. The analysis is complemented with a survey of fixed expressions and collocations. Thus, the cognitive definition is proposed, consisting of thirty defining features organised into the following facets: category, part, opposition, location, size, appearance, conditions of living, function, feelings, attitudes to Siberia, the region’s inhabitants. In various contexts of the usage of Сибирь (and its derivatives) the most conspicuous is the negative valuation of Siberia as a place of exile, harsh climate, and unwelcoming living conditions. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej en
dc.subject cognitive definition en
dc.subject linguistic worldview en
dc.subject Russian language en
dc.subject Siberia en
dc.subject definicja kognitywna en
dc.subject językowy obraz świata en
dc.subject język rosyjski en
dc.subject Syberia en
dc.subject Сибирь en
dc.title Сибирь (Syberia) w świetle danych systemowych języka rosyjskiego en
dc.type Article en

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