
Symbolika płodnościowa w polskim folklorze

Show simple item record Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, Stanisława 2020-12-11T11:30:03Z 2020-12-11T11:30:03Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury, 28, s. 207-226 en
dc.description.abstract The article discusses the treatment of fertility and the means of its expression in traditional culture. The relevant questions include: how to speculate about fertility, how to protect and stimulate it in communal and family customs, how to hinder fertility and cause infertility through word and gesture. The author argues that the verbal code as the carrier of symbolic meanings is inalienably linked with other cultural codes: material, personal, actional, involving music and dance, temporal, and locative. The codes function interchangeably, replacing and complementing one another. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej en
dc.subject folklore en
dc.subject symbolic meanings en
dc.subject cultural code en
dc.subject Polish language en
dc.subject folklor en
dc.subject znaczenia symboliczne en
dc.subject kod kulturowy en
dc.subject język polski en
dc.subject płodność en
dc.title Symbolika płodnościowa w polskim folklorze en
dc.type Article en

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