
Józef Marušiak — tłumacz-komparatysta idealny?

Show simple item record Buczek, Marta pl 2020-12-16T16:53:30Z 2020-12-16T16:53:30Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation „Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich”. T. 5. Cz. 1. (Issue: 5 (1)/2014), s. 374-387 pl
dc.description.abstract In the article under the title Jozef Marušiak — the translator — the prefect comparatist? the author Marta Buczek raises the problem of necessary relationships between new Comparative Studies and Translation Studies. The theory of Comparative Studies and Translation Studies presented in this paper shows that that disciplines are closely connected to each other by the subject of research. The subject of interest of the Comparative Studies is consistent with the interest of research in Translation Studies. Turning towards comparative perception of the translation has focused its attention on the creative role of translation in the culture and the creative role of the translator. In the next part of the article the author analyzes the translation activity of well known Slovak translator of Polish literature — Jozef Marušiak. The author answers the question, who is the perfect comparatist and if the Slovak translator can be assumed for the perfect comparatist. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego (University of Silesia Press) pl
dc.subject Marušiak, Jozef sk
dc.subject literatura polska pl
dc.subject przekład pl
dc.subject język słowacki pl
dc.subject translatoryka pl
dc.subject komparatystyka pl
dc.subject Polish literature en
dc.subject translation en
dc.subject Slovak language en
dc.subject translation studies en
dc.subject comparative studies en
dc.title Józef Marušiak — tłumacz-komparatysta idealny? pl
dc.type Article en

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