The place of imagery in the professional speech is emerged in the article. Traditional conception of the imagery in the professional speech is reviewed. Imagery is considered as an internal, latent feature of the professional speech. The correlation between notions “professional speech” and “image speech” is analyzed. The professional speech is interpreted as a communicative process of the exchange of the professional information and as a result of the learning of norms and rules of speech behavior. The situation and the purpose of communication define verbal means of expression. In return imagery speech is considered as a conscious creative or reproductive process of the using of language units, stimulating primarily aesthetic perception of reality in which the rational and emotional "are in unity" and are interdependent. Professional speech and imagery speech are interpreted as connected by the notions of “phraseological unit” and “conceptual metaphor” or “image schemas”. Idioms that are used in the professional communication can be divided into two groups: figurative and nonfigurative. Nonfigurative idioms are stable units characterizing reproducibility and standardization. Figurative idioms of the professional speech can be classified at least by two criteria: genetic (geographic, chemical, physical, mathematical and others); functional and stylistic (spoken and bookish). Professional communication is the source of the idioms creation in diachronic and they are characterized as highly specialized (mathematical, physical, etc.) and the same phrases are commonly resistant in synchrony. The main phraseological units of the professional speech are characterized in the article. Another aspect of the imagery of the professional speech is using of the conceptual metaphors based on traditional mental image-schemes such as CONTAINER, SURFACE, PART and HOLE and others. Image schemas in the language of the professional communication on the example of the general professional statements are defined.