
Синкретична природа незмінюваних прикметників

Show simple item record Глібчук, Наталія 2020-12-18T19:35:17Z 2020-12-18T19:35:17Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2016, вип. 63, с. 13–23 en
dc.description.abstract The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of functional homonyms which contain the words that are allegedly unchangeable adjectives. We have analyzed such borrowings using the theory of transitivity, and revealed the syncretic nature of ‘untypical’ adjectives which preserve common semes with homonymous nouns. The mechanism of formation of such transposits has been described taking into account three main criteria of part of speech differentiation, namely semantic, morphological, syntactical. We have distinguished between syncretic-differentiated, syncretic non-differentiated and potentially syncretic functional homonyms which contain unchangeable adjectives. It has been proven that functional homonymy is realized at speech level but has systemic character, so syncretism is considered to be the peculiarity of not only speech units but also the natural language characteristic. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject homonymy en
dc.subject adjective en
dc.subject transitivity en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.subject homonimia en
dc.subject przymiotnik en
dc.subject przechodniość en
dc.subject język ukraiński en
dc.title Синкретична природа незмінюваних прикметників en
dc.type Article en

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