
Терміни на позначення службових частин мови у "Граматиці української мови" В. Сімовича

Show simple item record Козелко, Ірина 2020-12-18T19:35:26Z 2020-12-18T19:35:26Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2016, вип. 63, с. 302–306 en
dc.description.abstract Structural parts of speech firstly began to stand out against other words, and be described in old antique books yet. Since, the terms that designated these parts of speech, gradually began to come to a common grammar terminology conceptual apparatus in the same or modified form. Organization of giving names for morphological units of parts of speech and their division began long before the nineteenth century. In the grammatical system of Ukrainian language prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections have unambiguous status of parts of speech. From one point of view part of speech, or structural parts of speech hold prepositions, conjunctions, particles; interjections referred to a special category of words or word class. On the other hand – prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections are characterized as structural parts of speech. It is believed the classification that prepositions, conjunctions are as structural parts of speech, and particles, interjections proportion are as intermediate parts of speech. In "Grammar of Ukrainian language" V. Simovych also singled out structural parts of speech. Scientist reviewed prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections. In the textbook there is part, in which describes these parts of speech, which is called unchangeable part of speech. In educational books observed unambiguous terminology definitions of prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections, that was due to the authors' position. In the "Grammar of Ukrainian language" V. Simovych offered a lot of terms that denoted structural parts of speech and subsequently entered into terminological group of contemporary morphological system of Ukrainian language. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject preposition en
dc.subject conjunction en
dc.subject particle en
dc.subject interjection en
dc.subject term en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.subject przyimek en
dc.subject spójnik en
dc.subject partykuła en
dc.subject wykrzyknik en
dc.subject termin en
dc.subject język ukraiński en
dc.subject Сімович Василь en
dc.title Терміни на позначення службових частин мови у "Граматиці української мови" В. Сімовича en
dc.type Article en

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