
Дієслово як виразник просторової семантики

Show simple item record Бачишина, Ольга 2020-12-18T20:46:49Z 2020-12-18T20:46:49Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна, 2016, вип. 63, с. 58–67 en
dc.description.abstract The paper analyzes the properties of the verb to express spatial relations. The verb holds central place among means of expression of space, since it accounts for basic locative distinction - static and dynamic. Four types of verbs posess spatial importance: basicly locative, process-locative, accional-locative and verbs of movement. The given classification illustrates the change of verb's semantics from static to dynamic. There are not only verbs but also prepositional-case forms and adverbs of spatial semantics posessing static value of places ranging, dynamic way and direction of motion that express statics and dynamics of space. They often help to identify static and dynamic relations in procedural-locative verbs. With verbs of spatial semantics the spatial prepositional-case forms and adverbs are valence predictable. Prepositional-case-form can have static meaning of the place of location, dynamic directions and ways of traffic. The verb and prepositional-case-form may have the same (static or dynamic) or different space value. There are verbs of perception, expression and manifestation of symptoms in frames which include dependent syntaxemes of spatial semantics at the periphery of verbs with the spatial semantics In structures where syntaxema functions as a determinant, the verbs usually do not have spatial significance. The analysis of spatial semantics of verbs is made on material of ukrainian chymeric prose. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject verb en
dc.subject semantics en
dc.subject prose en
dc.subject Ukrainian language en
dc.subject czasownik en
dc.subject semantyka en
dc.subject proza en
dc.subject język ukraiński en
dc.title Дієслово як виразник просторової семантики en
dc.type Article en

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