
Problemy interpretacji i tłumaczenia literatury dawnej. Kilka pytań, uwag i propozycji

Show simple item record Milanović, Zvonimir 2021-01-22T10:12:45Z 2021-01-22T10:12:45Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation MilanovićZ. (1). Problemi interpretacje i prevođenja stare književnosti. Nekoliko pitanja, primjedbi i propozicija / Problemy interpretacji i tłumaczenia literatury dawnej. Kilka pytań, uwag i propozycji. Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich, 7(1). Pobrano z en
dc.description.abstract In this paper I have analyzed some translatological questions in the field of translating old literature, on the basis of selected fragments from the works of Jan Kochanowski and from the essay of Czesław Miłosz that examines some translatological problems. An analysis of the cited fragments and their translations shows that the translation of Renaissance literature should also opt for knowledge of contemporary poetics and rhetorical rules, which formed a part of the legacy from the literature of the ancient period. In addition, as Miłosz postulates in his essay, it seems that in the process of a translation of great significance is the empathy of the translator himself with the persona of a given author. Literary interpretation and the correct understanding of old literature is a crucial factor and the starting point in the translation process. Such an interpretation is based on a thorough knowledge of the epoch and the culture of the Renaissance period, within which the concrete work was written. en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego en
dc.subject translation studies en
dc.subject przekładoznawstwo en
dc.subject literatura dawna en
dc.subject old literarature en
dc.subject Kochanowski Jan en
dc.subject Polish language en
dc.subject język polski en
dc.title Problemy interpretacji i tłumaczenia literatury dawnej. Kilka pytań, uwag i propozycji en
dc.type Article en

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