
Славянский мир и его судьбы в древнейшую эпоху его истории в первой редакции “Хроники” Мартина Кромера

Show simple item record Флоря, Борис Николаевич 2017-12-20T13:34:01Z 2017-12-20T13:34:01Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Slověne, 1/2017, s. 381–392 en_US
dc.description.abstract Research on the first edition of the Chronicle by Marcin Kromer allows one to trace the genesis of elements of scholarly research into Polish historical thought of the mid-16th century; this includes the treatment of such issues as the homeland of the Slavs and the routes and chronology of their migration to the lands of Central and South-Eastern Europe. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject "De origine et rebus gestis Polonorum libri XXX" en_US
dc.subject "O pochodzeniu i czynach Polaków ksiąg trzydzieści znane także jako O sprawach, dziejach i wszystkich innych potocznościach koronnych polskich" pl
dc.subject Kromer Marcin (1512-1589) pl
dc.subject język polski pl
dc.subject historia Polski pl
dc.subject historiografia pl
dc.subject 15 w. pl
dc.subject kronika pl
dc.subject pochodzenie Słowian pl
dc.subject Polish language en_US
dc.subject history of Poland en_US
dc.subject historiography en_US
dc.subject 15th century en_US
dc.subject chronicle en_US
dc.subject origin of Slavs en_US
dc.title Славянский мир и его судьбы в древнейшую эпоху его истории в первой редакции “Хроники” Мартина Кромера en_US
dc.title.alternative The Slavic World and Its Destiny in the Earliest Epoch of Its History according to the First Redaction of the Chronicle by Marcin Kromer en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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