Nominative activities of Internet users reveals itself not only through direct communication (chat rooms, forums), but also in the form of on-line dictionaries. The material of the study are two dictionaries on the websites http://teenslang.su and http://www.slovonovo.ru. Both of these dictionaries are created by the Internet users and are characterized as dictionaries of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang.
Operation of slang in the graphic form predetermines some of the features of the slang vocabulary (creation of sociolectisms by means of graphic distortions of common words, activation of the initial abbreviation, the presence of long or unpronounceable words as a tendency towards greater expressiveness of the text).
The specificity of contemporary slang, as reflected in the online dictionary, is also due to two opposing tendencies of its development, “ostrannenie” (repulsion) and attraction.
The tendency to repulsion forces users of the youth slang to refuse word formation conventional models, resulting in a) the appearance of numerous slang affixes, which, along with the most productive common affixes are used to form slengisms, and b) the presence of a large number of artificial words in the slang.
Attraction manifests, first, in the form of so-called paronimic attraction - selection of words of the literary language to name the phenomenon, which are similar to other words for this phenomenon, although they may not be associated with them in meaning: лаве ’money’ ^ лаванда (lavender) and лавсан (polyester) ’money’. Secondly, the attraction leads to the formation of contaminats (лох ’sucker’ + Лохнесс ^ лохнесса ’girl sucker’). Contamination can also lead to the appearance of slang suffixes.
Pretty much the role of contamination and paronimic attraction among the ways of word formation in modern slang, suggests the obvious changes in the nominative process of modern youth speech.