Attention is paid to the 30 most active name prepositive morphemes in contemporary Bulgarian language. Attempt was made to outline the similarities and differences between prefixes (essential and non-essential) and prefixoids, then prepositive formants were classified in the following seven groups according to the various criteria: 1) semantics; 2) function - they modify/ they do not modify the categorical features of the forming basis; 3) belonging to the type of prepositive name sub-system of the Bulgarian language; 4) participation in the formation of prefix and prefixoid name derivatives; 5) productivity and position in the prepositive name sub-system; 6) origin; 7) time of entering the prepositive name sub-system of the Bulgarian language.
The word-building analysis of language material arrived to the conclusion that in modern times (after 1990) prepositive substantive word-building in the Bulgarian language is more active than the adjective one.