Slovak Dictionary of Root Morphemes (SDRM) is a unique publication providing both morphemic and word-formation analysis of c. 65 000 lexemes of modern Slovak. The paper presents a project entitled Word-formation of contemporary Slovak. The project is based on the material from SDRM. Its objective is complex description and explanation of word-formation of contemporary Slovak language. The complexity results from a set of relevant parameters to be analysed: part of speech, origin, stylistic/register characteristics of both a motivating word and a motivated word, word-formation means (bases, affixes, alternation, truncation), word- formation processes (derivation, composition), types of word-formation motivation, types of complex word-formation units (paradigms, chains, nests; word-formation model/types, onomasiological categories, types of onomasiological categories). Project findings can lay the foundations of subsequent interlingual and intralingual research in the field of word-formation and lexicology.