This paper discusses the influence of the semantic content of the verb pljuvati/pljunuti (to spit) on derivation. This verb belongs to the group of verbs which have the meaning of physiological processes. The semantic specificity of this verb is reflected in its meaning of physiological process inducted by some internal and external factors. At the same time, this verb contains the semantic components of will and automatism which are the basic features of the prototypical verbs from this semantic group disati, jesti (to breath, to eat).
Influence on the structure of the semantic-derivative nest with the motivated verb pljuvati has it's semantic content and argument structure. In this nest the prefixation is productive process. The prefixes contribute to enrichment of the semantic content of derivatives. The verb aspect has the influence on the meaning of the derivatives with prefixes (zapljuvati and zapljunuti). Secondary meanings of these prefixed units are inducted with the same semantic mechanism as a secondary meaning of the motivated verb (pljuvati).
The contribution to the further derivation is the dominant lexical meaning according to the grammatical meaning of derivatives. In the semantic-derivatives nests of the prototypical verbs disati and jesti the derivation of nomina agentis were blocked, but in the nest motivated by verb pljuvati it is possible because the process named by this verb is not basic for life. Disorder and interrupting of this process isn’t life threatening. Verb pljuvati could be determined as a communication verb based on the secondary meaning. Derivation of nomina agentis is a regular phenomenon in this semantic group. At the same time, the information on etymological dictionary by P. Skok, confirm the some semantic processes - losing of agentive meaning with man as a referent, and creation of the noun nomina instrumentum (in RMS pljuvalo and pljuvaljka are nomina instrumentum, but in Skok's dictionary they are nomina agentis).