In the first part of the article, Slovene interjections are categorized into expressive, onomatopoetic, imperative and greetings, and the proportion of these categories occurring in three dictionaries (Slovensko-nemški slovar 1894/95, Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 1998, Slovenski pravopis 2001) is examined. The comparison shows that in all three dictionaries, the category of expressive interjections is predominant, followed by that of onomatopoetic interjections. It can also be observed that in the period spanning the publication of the Slovensko- nemški slovar and the publication of the Slovenski pravopis, the proportion of interjections as greetings has increased, while the proportion of imperative interjections has decreased.
The second part of the article deals with interjections as a word-formation potential of the Slovene language from two perspectives. On the one hand, it is shown how interjections are formed from different word categories, including interjections themselves. Expressive interjections, in particular, are formed from other word categories through word-formational processes which include conversion from proper nouns (jezus expressive interjection), common nouns (fant expressive interjection) or quantifying adverbs (grozno expressive interjection), and compounding from phrases containing combinations of different word categories (primojduši expressive interjection). Interjections can also be formed from other interjections, often as a result of the doubling (čivčiv) or tripling (hahaha) of the same or different interjections, or more rarely as a result of prefixation (prejoj) or modificational derivation, where the interjection is intensified with the constituents -ej, -la, -sa, -ta, etc. (juh - juh-ej-juhej-sa; hoj- hoj-la; jeh - jeha-ta).
On the other hand, interjections can also form a base for the formation of other word categories and can thus create extensive word families. The most common word-formational process involved here is that of the systematic formation of interjectional verbs. This process follows predictable patterns in the creation of higher-degree formations, as illustrated by the word family of the interjection bevsk.
The above observations confirm that interjections have a more important role in the formation of lexis as previously believed. There are at least two reasons why it is important to examine their formational potential and the extent of their word families: first, the word families based on interjections are structured similarly as those based on other word categories, and second, modern linguistic corpora show the variability of words formed from interjections.