
Прагматичний потенцiал демiнутивiв у публiцистичних та художнiх текстах

Show simple item record Kysliuk, Larysa 2018-01-21T12:36:10Z 2018-01-21T12:36:10Z 2015
dc.description.abstract Diminutivity implements not only the semantic object of small size, but also a weak expression of signs or actions, and is one of the ways evaluative and emotional lexical marking. Pragmatic potential of diminutives in the Ukrainian is defined by the ability of the diminutive suffixes to reflect evaluative-emotional meaning and expression. Its positive or negative charge depends on the availability of se- ma-size, semantics of the base, stylistic identity of a text and is revealed through contextual markers. en_US
dc.publisher Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru
dc.subject deminutywność
dc.subject diminutiveness en_US
dc.subject potencjał pragmatyczny
dc.subject pragmatic potential en_US
dc.title Прагматичний потенцiал демiнутивiв у публiцистичних та художнiх текстах
dc.type Book chapter en_US

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