
Асабовыя iмёны-дэмiнутывы у сучаснаи беларускай мове: сiстэма i функцыянаваннема

Show simple item record Lukashanec, Aljaksandr 2018-01-21T13:53:28Z 2018-01-21T13:53:28Z 2015
dc.description.abstract The functional-semantic field of diminutiveness in the Belarusian language has not been the subject of special comprehensive study from the point of view of structure and lexical composition until the present moment. In the basis of the article is the hypothesis that the field of diminutiveness in the modern Belarusian language has a rather complex structure, the core of which is constituted by derivationally marked substantive lexicon with explicit lexical diminutiveness. It suggests the important role of personal diminutive names in the structure of this field, which are noted for significant quantitative composition, a high degree of polymotivation and derivational variation, a wide range of word-formation ways and means, the chained character of diminutiveness intensification, the peculiarities of diminutive dese- mantization, functional significance and the specificity of language pragmatics. en_US
dc.publisher Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru
dc.subject diminutiveness en_US
dc.subject deminutywność
dc.subject Belarusian language en_US
dc.subject język białoruski
dc.title Асабовыя iмёны-дэмiнутывы у сучаснаи беларускай мове: сiстэма i функцыянаваннема
dc.type Book chapter

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