
Умалителните имена в отношението им към категорията деминутивност

Show simple item record Radeva, Vasilka 2018-01-21T14:51:24Z 2018-01-21T14:51:24Z 2015
dc.description.abstract The semantic category of ‘diminutiveness’, verbally expressed by diminutive modification structures, is considered in relation to the derivational means of Bulgarian. Inherited from Proto-Slavonic, they make it possible to reveal interesting phenomena shared by the Slavonic languages. The derivational semantics of diminutives, which is revealed through their relation to the underlying words, is based on the denotative motif ‘diminutiveness’, but is not exhausted by it. This makes it possible for diminutives to display variability in the way they function in children’s speech, in the way adults speak to children, in literature, in dialects, etc. en_US
dc.publisher Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru
dc.subject deminutywność
dc.subject diminutiveness en_US
dc.subject znaczenie konotatywne
dc.subject connotative meaning en_US
dc.title Умалителните имена в отношението им към категорията деминутивност
dc.type Book chapter en_US

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