
Комплимент как важный элемент культурного поведения в современном обществе (на материале русского и вьетнамского языков)

Show simple item record Nguyen Thu Huong 2018-01-22T18:48:49Z 2018-01-22T18:48:49Z 2011
dc.description.abstract This article studies on compliments as an important factor of cultured behaviors in communication, and on their rules and impacts in various aspects of modern life. The analysis is based on Russian and Vietnamese materials which include the most typical situations. en_US
dc.subject fatic function en_US
dc.subject funkcja fatyczna en_US
dc.subject Russian language en_US
dc.subject język rosyjski en_US
dc.subject język wietnamski en_US
dc.subject Vietnamese language en_US
dc.title Комплимент как важный элемент культурного поведения в современном обществе (на материале русского и вьетнамского языков) en_US
dc.title.alternative Compliments play the role as an important behavioral culture factor in modern society (based on the materials in Russian and Vietnamese) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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