
Детерминологизацията и нейната роля в неологизационните процеси в съвременния българския език (в съпоставка с полски)

Show simple item record Колковска, Сия Благоева, Диана 2018-03-05T14:05:53Z 2018-03-05T14:05:53Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Българско-полски студии, c. 60-90 bg
dc.description.abstract The paper discusses the role of determinologization for the enrichment of the Bulgarian and Polish language with semantic and phraseological innovations. It analyses the peculiarities of the new meanings and new phraseological units which are a result of determinologization. The paper also outlines the contribution of that process for the intellectualization of the language. en_US
dc.language.iso Bulgarian en_US
dc.publisher Издателство „Авангард Прима“ bg
dc.subject determinologizacja pl
dc.subject terminologia pl
dc.subject neologizm pl
dc.subject język polski pl
dc.subject język bułgarski pl
dc.subject semantyka pl
dc.subject frazeologia pl
dc.subject determinologisation en_US
dc.subject terminology en_US
dc.subject neologism en_US
dc.subject Polish language en_US
dc.subject Bulgarian language en_US
dc.subject semantics en_US
dc.subject phraseology en_US
dc.title Детерминологизацията и нейната роля в неологизационните процеси в съвременния българския език (в съпоставка с полски) bg
dc.type Article en_US

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