
Regionalizmy pochodzenia łużyckiego w dialekcie zachodniowielkopolskim

Show simple item record Lewaszkiewicz, Tadeusz 2018-05-19T06:13:31Z 2018-05-19T06:13:31Z 2016
dc.description.abstract Certain and probable parallels of Sorbian languages and Greater Polish dialect is too much, that it can be explained using the wave theory - from west to east and from east to west. I think that some of the fea-tures of the Lower Sorbian language (and partly Upper Sorbian) in Nowe Kramsko, Stare Kramsko, Małe Podmokle, Wielkie Podmokle, Dąbrówka, Chwalim and in several or even a dozen other villages (eg. in Bukówiec Górny and area) may have origins similar to (at least partially) polish elements in Jakubica’s New Testament (1548) and Megiser’s dictionary (1603). I suppose that some or even most of the commonality of Lower Sorbian and Greater Polish dialect is the result of Lower Sorbian (or rather Lower Sorbian and German) colonization in western Greater Poland. The settlers polonized, but they left their traces as Lower Sorbian substrate elements. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo PSP pl
dc.subject regionalizm pl
dc.subject regionalism en_US
dc.subject dialekt zachodniowielkopolski pl
dc.subject dialect of western Greater Poland en_US
dc.subject języki łużyckie pl
dc.subject Sorbian languages en_US
dc.title Regionalizmy pochodzenia łużyckiego w dialekcie zachodniowielkopolskim pl
dc.type Article en_US

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