The paper aims to provide analysis of the contact Czech-Slovak phenomena demonstrated on Slovak verbs starting with prefix pre-. I will use the semantic classification by Štefan Peciar introduced in Slovenská slovesná predpona pre- a české predpony pře- a pro- (Slovak Verbal Prefix pre- and Czech Prefixes pře- and pro-, 1982) to point out what are the lexical relations between Slovak words starting with prefix pre- (bohemisms) and Slovak homonymous lexemes. This article also examines the way how the words in Slovak correspond to words in Czech starting with the prefixes pře- a pro-; while in Czech prefixes can distinguish the meaning, in Slovak they cannot. The paper aims to explore the presence of verbal lexemes of such type in Slovak and to examine relation between standardized and nonstandard language. Written and spoken Slovak and Czech corpora are source materials for further research.