dc.description.abstract |
The study of univerbs of маршрутка type viewed from their underlying bases, word formation means and meanings expressed brings about the differentiation within their system of homonyms, on one hand, polysemantic words and words with wide semantics, on the other, with their indirectly tied meanings. The identity of the specifying element which remains after the compression of the word combination and loss of the specified word, together with its role as a semantic link tying identical forms unites univerbalization and semantic derivation. The interpretation of univerbs as polysemantic units is supported by hypero-hyponymic, frame, etc. relations between their meanings. Polysemantic univerbs thus become an integral part of the class of polysemantic derivatives while the specific nature of the semantic relationship between their meanings which unites univerbs and affixal derivatives is a semantic feature which draws a line between polysemantic derivatives and polysemantic simple words characterized by the immediate ties of their meanings. |
en_US |