The article is devoted to consideration suffixal univerbization. In Ukrainian derivatolo- gy adheres view univerbization as the kind of suffixal word-formation.
In article is compared functioning and activity of univerbates of word-forming models А+к(а), А+iB^a), А+иц(я), А+ик, А+як, N+ець, N+анин in dictionaries and texts. Detected processes stable activity in dictionaries and texts, enhance activity and passive some models in the texts. Activity of word-forming model А+к(а) increases, more than half of examples - text neologisms. Models А+iвк(а), А+ик follow the balance in functioning. Models А+иц(я), А+як, А+ець not replenished neologisms and demonstrate passivity.
Detected dynamics: the transition from suffixal univerbates from conversational level to literary standard; in lexicographical publications issued with an interval of 50 years; between the dictionary and text material with use of criteria of expansion/constriction motivational base.