
Yніверби в терміносистемах східнослов’янських та новогрецької мов

Show simple item record Klymenko, Nina 2018-12-20T13:16:04Z 2018-12-20T13:16:04Z 2018
dc.description.abstract The article studies the processes of univerbation in Eastern Slavic and Modern Greek, special attention is paid to their role in terminological systems, the need to conduct this analysis in the context of new paradigms of word-formation is emphasized. It is also essential to distinguish it from compressives in language comparative research. The analysis has established similarities and differences of substantivation, univerba- tion being suffixational phenomenon through the prism of compounding and affixa- tional word-formation. It has put forward a study of univerbation from the perspective of correlation between periphrastic word-formation of juxtaposits and families of split nominations. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Slavistički komitet Sarajevo
dc.subject uniwerbizacja
dc.subject univerbation en_US
dc.subject substantywizacja
dc.subject substantivation en_US
dc.subject języki słowiańskie
dc.subject Slavic languages en_US
dc.subject język nowogrecki
dc.subject modern Greek en_US
dc.title Yніверби в терміносистемах східнослов’янських та новогрецької мов
dc.type Article en_US

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