
Универбирането в отношението му към антиномията текст : код

Show simple item record Radeva, Vasilka 2018-12-21T09:19:43Z 2018-12-21T09:19:43Z 2018
dc.description.abstract As an expression of the tendency towards language economy, structures resulting from univerbirane illustrate the shortening of the text in favour of the code. They constitute one-word formations motivationally connected with denotational phrases, whose structure includes a modifying word underlying the onomasiological motive, e.g. trichlenna komisiya - trichlenka. The shortening of the text is manifested in replacing a generally used reproducible phrase with a one-word denotational unit. This is accompanied by the preservation of the concept, with which both types of denotational units are connected, cf. kirilska azbuka and kirilitsa. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Slavistički komitet Sarajevo
dc.subject język bułgarski
dc.subject Bulgarian language en_US
dc.subject uniwerbizacja
dc.subject univerbation en_US
dc.subject kondensacja semantyczna
dc.subject semantic condensation en_US
dc.title Универбирането в отношението му към антиномията текст : код
dc.type Article en_US

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